Print Books and Digital Books

Why Do People Prefer Online Reading?

Online Reading

People prefer online reading books because of some of the accompanying benefits. About one-fifth of American book readers (making it 21%) have reported that they have read electronic books in the past year. This number then shows an increase, followed by a surge in tablet markets and e-book reading devices because of the gift season. In mid-December 2011, 17% of American adults had reported they finished books online reading in the previous year; In February 2012, this increased to 21%.

Print Books and Digital Books

Traditional forms of data providers such as printed books and newspapers become obsolete because of their limited access. On the other hand, data and online information can be accessed throughout the world which offers comfort. For example, individuals will be able to read the news and obtain various forms of knowledge regardless of their place, resulting in eliminating the need to travel.

Print Books and Digital Books

Likewise, if someone searches for any data in connection with a particular topic, the internet will be able to provide it instantly. Because of this, many universities are trying to offer online reading courses along with sharing subjects virtually and conducting an assessment. In addition, the knowledge available at cheaper prices makes cost-effective services. The amount spent on newspapers and printed books is very high when compared to digital accessibility.

The Benefits of Online Reading

One of the interesting benefits of online reading e-books is that they are environmentally friendly. These books are written without the power used by the printing press and sent without fuel transportation services. Moreover, this is made as paper-free, adhesive-free, and free ink. Another benefit is that people become green and try to reduce tree cuts to be made into the paper to publish books. No doubt this is one of the benefits of online reading, where one can choose his choice book and save the environment in a big way.


Most people prefer to online reading e-books or books that can be downloaded because they don’t have to take them physically anywhere. If they are in school, they don’t need to add more loads to the book they have brought because they have been stored on their devices. Therefore, easy portability is also why book readers prefer online media for their book-reading habits.

With devices such as Kindle PCs and tablets, it is possible to carry an ebook wherever you go. This portability feature helps students and other researchers to take their books with them for easy reference.


Another advantage of having an e-book for students is that they don’t have to buy expensive textbooks; Instead, they can read them on the internet.

Those who have taken the plunge to read the E-BOOK stand out in almost everything among other types of readers. Compared with other format book readers, online book readers read more books. They often read for a number of reasons: for pleasure, for research, for current events, and for work or school. Online book readers are also more likely than others to buy their latest books, rather than borrow them.

Although a lot of old research recently concluded that book readers preferred to read on paper because it was easier for them to understand than what they read on the screen, the difference was often small. There are several experiments that show that researchers must explore long-term memory with different formats of books. This caused the 2003 study by Kate Garland from Leicester University and his colleagues where they asked 50 British students to read random course materials both on a computer monitor or in a print booklet. Twenty minutes after reading, the students were questioned with multiple choice questions from the course material. The results showed that students scored well in book format however, there was a significant difference in how they remembered information from the course material.

Preferences for Online Reading

In short, the reason why people prefer reading online is:

  • Availability – all the time
  • Fitting the whole library on the device
  • Portability – No need to bring book weight around
  • Privacy when reading – read anything in public without being judged by the cover
  • Font customization and size
  • No need to find a place to place your book comfortably or use lights.
  • No need to restore books to the library

If you are a diligent book reader, who also prefers online media to read books, you need an internet connection to tend to purchase your books. You can see more than the price of internet Xfinity and one of the transactions in internet packages can be used for online book readings.